Many thousands of patients undergo bunion surgery each year but it is important that you consider the facts surrounding this option before choosing it for yourself. First and foremost, this is often a treatment option that is offered only after other treatments are utilised without success, especially due to the potential risks associated with surgery of any kind. Since your options are to have the surgery or not have it, you benefit greatly by keeping yourself informed before making this important decision.

Bunions Explained

A bunion is the name given to an enlargement of bone or tissue around the joint at the base of the big toe. This may force the big toe to curve inward toward the second toe, causing a number of problems in the process. Although many bunions cause no symptoms at all, a large number result in the joints becoming swollen and tender and requiring a number of treatments to reduce pain.


A bunion may hurt and make walking difficult and this can become exacerbated if it is rubbed by a shoe until blisters, calluses, or sores appear. You could also develop bone or skin infections around the bunions, which are potentially life-threatening if you are not careful to receive medical attention right away. This is especially true if you suffer from diabetes or peripheral arterial disease and any one of these problems may result in the need for surgery.

Types of Surgery

Bunion surgery in Perth may be performed in a number of ways, such as removing part of the foot that is bulging, according to your situation and the severity of the problem. Additionally, it could be that your surgeon simply has to realign the tissues around the joint or remove bones in the foot through small access cuts. Finally, you could remove bone from the end of the metatarsal bone, fuse the big toe joint or where the metatarsal bone joins the mid-foot, or implant all or part of an artificial joint.


Depending on the severity of your bunion and the specific type of surgery, you could experience a wide range of results. This depends largely on what you expect. Also, you will not be able to wear certain types of shoes after the procedure. For example, high heels and narrow shoes are likely to be forbidden after surgery and it could be that your toe is stiffer and not as flexible compared to the other toe, but your pain should be dramatically reduced.

Surgery Risks

As with any surgery, it is common for the tissue to be pained and swollen immediately following the procedure but this will lessen over time until these two symptoms cease altogether. The toe may also be less flexible and stiffer or the bunion could return after some months or years, depending on the severity of the case. Additionally, it is possible for you to develop an infection, as you might with any other type of invasive procedure, and it is important to properly care for and clean the site post-operation to avoid this risk.