BOTOX Treatments

Botox, the popular wrinkle-reducing treatment, is now used for a variety of medical conditions, including the treatment of excessive underarm sweating, treating chronic migraine headaches, eliminating pain in the hands and feet related to diabetic neuropathy, treating severe spinal cord spasms in children with cerebral palsy as well as preventing migraine headaches after they have occurred.

Treatment for excessive underarm sweating (hyperhidrosis) was approved by the FDA in 2004. Since then it has become one of the most requested cosmetic procedures in that region. Botox works by temporarily blocking nerve signals to the sweat glands. This reduces or eliminates excessive sweating.

Botox can be used to treat excessive facial sweating known as Frey’s Syndrome that occurs on the forehead and scalp, but it is not yet FDA approved for this use.

Botox for migraines is a new treatment option. It appears to reduce headaches that are caused by muscle contractions that occur during a migraine attack. It is thought that botox prevents these muscle contractions from occurring and this may lead to less severe or less frequent migraines.

There are many different types of botox treatments and they all have different uses. One of the more common uses for Botox is for treating eye wrinkles. This is done by injecting 5 to 7 units of botox into the muscle fibers that control the movement of your eyebrows. By weakening these muscles, you can eliminate or greatly reduce the appearance of wrinkles between the eyebrows. If you have excess skin on your forehead, then this is another place where you can get botox injections to smooth it out.

Some people decide to get botox injections simply in order to improve the way that their face looks overall. Injecting botox into certain muscles can make your face look longer and thinner which can be especially helpful if you have a round or chubby face or if there is a lot of extra fat around your jawline and neck area.

There are many different kinds of botox treatment, including botox in the forehead and botox in the armpit. Botox is also used to treat things like eye spasms, chronic migraine headaches and TMJ.

The effects of botox last between three and four months, but they can be extended by having a top-up treatment after two months. Many people will have repeat treatments every 12 weeks or so to maintain the best look possible.

The cost of botox varies from clinic to clinic, and depends on things like the amount used and whether it’s combined with fillers or other cosmetic procedures.

Botox can be used on some areas of the body, such as the armpits, but it’s not usually recommended for facial treatment when someone wants a more natural look, because it tends to make expressions look frozen rather than relaxed.

Cosmetic Botox treatments can be done by any licensed medical professional with training in aesthetic injections. These include dermatologists and other plastic surgeons. Medical Botox treatments are performed by an injector who has been certified and trained in both the safe use of botulinum toxin and the condition being treated. They may also have expertise in anesthesia, physical therapy, massage or neurology, depending on their training. You can find more information on Botox in different health blog.