If you are suffering from any foot discomfort, it can place a great strain on your daily activities. That is why you need to make sure that you have access to chiropody services. In fact, you can have in-home care performed at your convenience.
Local chiropody treatment in South Croydon can be provided for the following conditions:
- Corns and calluses
- Verrucas
- Cracked and sore heels
- Fungal or thickened toenails
Treatments for Onychomycosis
If you suffer from fungal or thickened toenails, you may have a fungal condition known as onychomycosis. If onychomycosis is not treated, the toenails may become painful. Fungal infections of this type are difficult to resolve and therefore may necessitate a treatment programme that spans over several months.
Symptoms of a Fungal Infection
Besides increasing the thickness of the toenails, a toenail fungus may also be indicated by the following:
- A change in toenail colour to brown, yellow, or green
- An unpleasant smell coming from the toenail
- Split or crumbly toenails
- Chalky or scaly toenails
- Toenails that are lifted from the nail bed
- Toenails that exhibit debris or dirt beneath them
Patients usually do not experience discomfort in the early phases of an infection. However, as the symptoms increase, pain becomes a problem.
How a Fungal Inspection Spreads
Toenails become thick when a fungus enters the toenail where the nail bed and toenail meet or through a crack in the toenail. The fungus may also enter through a cut in the skin where it touches the toenail. The toenails are especially vulnerable to an infection because the toes and feet are commonly exposed to damp or wet areas.