Dental Implants

Our lives are full of unexpected events that can threaten our oral health. Tooth loss is one of the severe dental issues that are usually associated with unbearable pain and extreme bleeding. You might be wondering if you know the necessity of finding a practical method to replace missing teeth as soon as possible. Without quick treatments, you could face negative consequences. Unfortunately, the number of people who avoid from going for tooth replacement options due to the costs are countless. That is why, these days many dental clinics offer various payment options and affordable dental implant services. For instance, Parkview Dental & Implant Centre is one of the top three dental implant centers that provides dental implants for less than $5/day in Vancouver. This article provides useful information to help you learn the top reasons you should instantly replace tooth loss with a dental implant.

The Main Reasons to Immediately Replace Missing Teeth with Dental Implants

Preventing from Bone Loss: According to experienced and dedicated dental specialists, as soon as you lose a permanent tooth, your jaw bone begins to degrade because the roots of your teeth are responsible for stimulating your bone when speaking or chewing. Over time you can see the negative impact of bone loss on your face because the shape of your jaw will be changed. Since a dental implant can replace the root, it can support bone health and prevent degradation.

Providing Natural Functionality: Losing a permanent tooth means losing a specific part of dental functionality, and you will suddenly find out you cannot have some special food and fruit. Dental implant treatment will be commonly recommended to restore full dental function successfully.

Holding Other Teeth in Their Right Position: Since each tooth in your mouth will stay in its proper place with the help of surrounding teeth, losing one can cause other teeth naturally move to fill the empty room. As a result, your bite will be changed over time, and your teeth may feel looser because they shift out of their right place. If you don’t like to experience unpleasant changes in your bite, don’t hesitate to replace your missing teeth immediately.

Increasing Your Self-confidence: As everyone knows, walking around with missing teeth in your smile is unpleasant and can make you feel self-conscious whenever you want to smile or laugh. Replacing missing teeth not only can boost your self-confidence but also can preserve your mental health.

Avoiding Primary Signs of Aging: As mentioned above, bone loss is one of the severe consequences of missing teeth that result in significant changes to your physical appearance. With tooth loss, the early signs of aging will appear on your face, such as notable wrinkles around your mouth and loose skin under your chin.

Preventing Damaged Teeth: Since missing teeth can change your bite over time, your way of chewing will be negatively affected, which means some of your teeth will absorb more pressure than others. As a result, they will be extremely damaged. By replacing missing teeth as soon as possible, there’s no need to undergo other complicated dental work to solve these issues.

Providing Natural Appearance: One of the excellent benefits of replacing missing teeth is providing the most natural appearance. When you replace your missing teeth with dental implants, you will ensure no one can distinguish your implanted teeth from other natural teeth.