Detox Kids from Tech

Are you kids constantly staring at screens? Do they put on electronic down to pick up another? American kids love their instant entertainment. It’s easy, simple and, sometimes, mindless. While a little bit of this time is good for relaxation, too much screentime is problematic, leading to problems with attention, sleep and obesity. Detox time is vital to keeping children healthy and well-rounded. Here are three tricks to learning to put down the tablets and phones and getting active.

1. Set Up the Controls

Going cold turkey may be too hard on everyone. Instead, discuss electronic entertainment as a family. How much do you think is acceptable, and what are your concerns? Be specific and upfront about any behavior changes you’ve noticed and why you think it’s time to limit the freedom.

Consider using tablets and phones for no more than an hour a day. Monitor this by setting up controls on the devices, turning off applications when kids reach their limit. Then, sore them out of sight in an adult room.

2. Plan for Other Activities

Encourage social entertainment over technology. Start with hangouts or playdates. Get outside for bike rides or neighborhood play. If these are not fixed enough, look for organized sports or exercises where a structured environment permits movement and interaction. For instance, youth soccer training Pottstown Pa gets children working together while also promoting physical activity.

3. Create Rules and Schedules

Phones often pop out when people are bored or have unstructured time. These dead moments offer ample opportunity to play a quick online game or check out a social platform. Limit this open allotment by making a schedule that includes snacks, homework and play. Be clear about what can be used during personal entertainment time. Specify it for crafts, puzzles or books. Add chores to the itinerary, including helping with the kitchen. This approach keeps idle hands occupied and instills organization,

Free yourself and others in the home from staring at the screen too long. Be honest about the changes, and then work to reduce the exposure.