Dianabol is a derivative of the hormone testosterone. It is very effective in diminishing the androgenic properties of testosterone. It has been designed to preserve the anabolic properties. That is the reason Dianabol is considered as a strong and very effective anabolic steroid. It is very popular among bodybuilders all over the world. With the proper pct, an individual can build muscle and make his gains permanent by using Dianabol.

Dianabol and muscle gains:

Dianabol is available both in oral and inject able forms. But oral one is very popular among bodybuilders. It comes with very short half life. Dianabol’s half life is just 3-4 hours. To maintain a well balanced blood levels, one can take many doses of this drug in the day time. This must be taken at least one hour or one and half hour before the workout. This is because it takes 3 to 4 hours to enter the blood stream. If this dosage is followed then there will be required amount of pump and aggregation when doing workouts.

Fast results and Dianabol cycles:

Dianabol is mainly used as a base steroid. There will be fast gains by using this steroid. Dianabol has gained popularity because of one more reason that is this steroid is comparatively cheap. Dianabol is not a cutting steroid. That is why it can only be used as a mass steroid. There is one typical cycles of Dianabol which is considered really effective. That is

Week 1 to 12:

Testosterone Enanthate 500 mg- 250 mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday

Week 1 to 8:

Dianabol ED 40 mg- 20 mg in the morning and 20 mg in the evening

When it comes to beginners or inexperienced users, Dianabol is the best steroid to use in a stack with Nolvadex or Proviron. This is because fist thing is it is inexpensive. Other thing is it comes with least side effects when used properly. Dianabol should be combined with other steroids this is because it is considered as a mass steroid. To vitalize a cycle which has testosterone base, Dianabol is best choice. When we consider bulking cycles, DBol is the most suitable steroid. This is believed to be a great mass builder. To build quick strength and mass it can be combined with Anadrol.

If the dosage is followed properly, then there will be at least 10 – 12 pounds gain in the period of eight weeks by Dianabol. Ciba pharmaceuticals have introduced the brand name Dianabol in 1955. So this brand name actually refers to the chemical methandienone and methandrostenolone. Today this is considered as one among most counterfeited steroids throughout the world.

If followed properly for 6-8 weeks cycle an individual can yield good results from Dianabol. It is mainly used to gain strength and muscle mass. Dianabol is considered very quick and effective in gaining muscle mass.

There will be water retention when Dianabol is used. But good thing is it will be less when compared to the water retention from steroids like Anadrol.